Psychological Assessment of Drivers

Decree-Law no. 37/2014, of March 10, amended the Highway Code and approved the new Legal Driving License Regulation (RHLC).

With regard to the assessment of psychological aptitude, the new regulation has introduced new rules, particularly with regard to competencies for carrying out the psychological assessment of driver candidates and drivers in Group 2, which includes vehicles in categories C, C+E, D, D+E, subcategories C1, C1+E, D1 and D1+E, as well as in Group 1 for categories B and B+E, who drive ambulances, fire engines, patient transport vehicles, school transport and passenger cars for hire, or on medical advice.

In this psychological assessment, the professional should use a test that has been properly calibrated for the Portuguese population and which assesses the perceptual-cognitive, psychomotor and psychosocial areas.

The battery of tests used in our clinic allows the psychological assessment certificate to be delivered on the same day.

Book a session

The psychological assessment of drivers is carried out with Filipa Santos in person.